Concentrated on just one painting today, the last day of North Tahoe Plein Air. While I was looking for a spot, I ran into judge ZeeZee Mott, who was painting on the shore even after just arriving home from Africa the day before! She was in great spirits, and we talked about my relation to Howard Terpning (a distant relation).

All my work is framed and ready to go for tomorrow. I need to pick one for judging, do you have a favorite? You can click on this thumbnail to see an enlarged image. They are, left to right, top row: Blackwood Canyon Streambed Clearing; Lake Tahoe Rock Study; Rubicon Trial; bottom row: Blackwood Canyon Stream; and Tahoe Shore.

“Lake Tahoe Rock Study” for being simply brilliant in colo(u)r, composition and execution.
A great series of paintings, Ed!
Thanks, Harry, I like that one too. In composition, I find “less is more” the best rule.
I am torn between Rubicon Trail and Tahoe Shore.
Did you have to bring frames with you? If so, how do you know what to bring?
Yes, I needed to bring frames for the show. Brought a variety, including Glaser and other lesser brands
Lake Tahoe is my fav, as it gives me a great sense of vertigo, teetering over and perring down into the water.
Hi Ed,
Not much point in adding my two cents because by now you will have allready chosen a piece. But my vote would have been to Rubicon Trail. I like the dynamic viewpoint and the dominance of that large cliff on the right. But I also love the simplicity of the rock study(top middle). Good job they look great.